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we're alive we're healthy and we feel great! We cannot heal anyone or anything until we are healing ourselves in body, mind & spirit

Live Better, Be Better -

nourish your soul, mind, body and cells 

To restore health especially during and after the consumption of alcohol, drugs (prescribed or otherwise) and other non serving lifestyle habits and if you  wish to stay young, energetic and clear minded,  even as we get older, we need to stimulate our NAD find out why and how on this website
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I WILL CHANGE...when you get better, I get better and we all get better 


" Infinite Longevity has a passion for natural well being, knowing that balancing one’s mind, body and spirit will achieve lifelong wellness. Education and empowerment are essential tools in helping people be all they can be to facilitate greater self discovery, happiness and a more fulfilled life. Healthy eating, physical activity, education, adequate rest and relaxation are the cornerstones of the Infinite Longevity philosophy and when combined, deliver a  life changing experience."

Hello and welcome,

Much is being said about our state of health and well-being.


A Niacin (B3 deficiency) is a known cause of stress and anxiety. High levels of stress and anxiety, due to 21st century lifestyle, are the main contributors to illness, disease and addiction and are symptomatic of B3 deficiency found in mental health conditions.- Niacin the real story by Dr Hoffer 

To restore health and avoid disease, a vitamin B3 deficiency needs to be supplemented. This is readily achieved with regular, daily doses of Niacin, Nicotinamide and/or Riboside. (raising NAD+ levels)

Along with  daily vitamin B3 supplements the best results for well-being and health are achievable, when all 3 areas of body, mind and spirit are balanced.  

These 3 levels, when corrected at the same time, provide the key to disrupting the cycle of illness and ensuring long-lasting health. This is today's, scientific understanding of Body, Mind, & Spirit.

It is our intention to provide you, our readers, with information, products and services to enable you to make informed choices about your life.We cannot express to you enough to consider seeking solutions. 

Infinite Longevity Solutions aims to be the leading catalyst in providing  the latest in leading edge B3 Australian supplements and information. It is our aim to make NAD+ IV therapy available and affordable to all Australian people.

"Why, then, is the medical profession so ignorant of this vitamin B3 and its vast importance?"


In 2011, a Google search hit (find a match on) “niacin” about 4 million times. Haldol, one of the first antipsychotics, had 700,000 hits; Zyprexa, nearly 8 million hits; Prozac, over 13 million hits; and Effexor, close to 10 million hits. The four antipsychotics have been advertised and promoted with multimillion dollar budgets, while  niacin has not been promoted at all, except by a very few physicians who found its properties so valuable.There are few advertisements in medical journals from niacin manufacturers. Niacin is still advocated by word of mouth.  Drugs are heavily advertised in both the medical journals and in the popular press. They have to be: it takes a lot of public persuasion to promote products that are rarely effective and carry with them dangerous side effects, including death.- Dr Hoffer


The major side effect of niacin is longer life. "  NIACIN THE REAL STORY" by Dr Hoffer 


     Bill L.February 25, 2012 at 10:07 PM


Hi Tom K.

You have done the world and especially the recovery community a great service by publishing Bill Wilson's Three Studies on Niacin (B-3). I believe it was 'The Whale' who made the observation that it was "criminal" to drug people in early recovery when working protocols for Vitamin Tx. and most especially Niacin (B-3), the "smart" are known and available.

About Niacin, Nicotinamide, NR
Niacin range
Product videos

Have you taken your Niacin today?

 Niacin may be used for arthritis, children's learning

and behavioral disorders, mental illness,

cardiovascular disease and other conditions*

"A nutrient that everyone needs each day."

-Dr Abram Hoffer


Who should take Niacin- read Niacin Story

2020 clinical trial - Niacin increases NAD+ Levels - read more

Niacin- Micronutrient information

The Difference Between Niacin and Nicotinamide read more 

                           Nicotinamide - read more

                           Nicotinamide Riboside - read more

vitamin B3 Therapy-the second communication to AA's Physicians- Bill W

Depression & Alcoholism & Drug Addiction... try Niacin

Niacin (Vitamin B3) - The Amazing Vitamin You've Probably Never Heard Of

Niacin (Vitamin B3) - The Amazing Vitamin You've Probably Never Heard Of

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"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." Thomas Edison

Vitamin B3 can be found in Dairy products, Eggs, Fish and seafood (clams), Fortified breads and cereals, Fruits (bananas, water-melon, grapefruit), Leafy green vegetables, Legumes (beans, peas), Liver, Meat (beef, veal, pork), Nuts, Potatoes, Poultry, Whole grains, Yeast - see Niacin Fresh


Supplements available in tablet/capsules 50mg, 100mg, 250mg, 500mg. Doses How much should I take? 

Vitamin B3 natural supplements are suitable for all ages from 19 yrs and upwards who recognize a vitamin B3 deficiency.

Test yourself for Vitamin B Deficiency- Diseases known to attribute to vitamin B3 deficiency (low NAD levels) are:

* Other Conditions Note : anxiety and stress, ​ ​heart disease, diabetes, ​obesity, addiction, edema, cholesterol, ADHDD, schizophrenia, ​expression,  arthritis. These supplements assist the restoration and repair of cognition in Alzheimer’s, Addicts, Parkinson sufferers etc and ​slows down the ageing process and increases the growth hormone response to exercise.

SEE AND HEAR WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING click each screen to watch

NAD+ IV THERAPY (Brain Boosting)  is said to increase energy, focus, metabolism and overcome addiction without withdrawal - we checked out the science. read on



and why we
need this
treatment in Australia

High dose intravenous infusions of pure NAD+ bypasses the digestive system and delivered straight to the cells for better absorption. 


NAD+ works rapidly to repair cells throughout the body and neurons in the brain. Listen to the Podcast.

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When providing your cells with vital nutrients they need to increase NAD+ more about NAD+ NAD+ is an emerging framework for health and life extension. These ALL NATURAL (no chemicals) B3 supplements promise to support many aspects of healthy aging, including cognitive function, metabolism and energy production, liver function, muscle recovery, and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Initial studies have clarified the potential for a lesser-known Vitamin B3 called nicotinamide riboside that is available in selected foods, and  available to humans by supplements. They have properties that are insulin sensitizing, enhancing to exercise, resisting to negative effects of high-fat diet, and neuro protecting. Recommended doses are up to 1000 mg/day. 

Nicotinamide Riboside VS Nicotinamide and Niacin 

Clinical trials have recently shown that Nicotinamide Riboside taken orally is able to boost NAD+ metabolism in humans. It was demonstrated that Nicotinamide Riboside produces a greater amount of NAD+ stimulation than the two other NAD+ precursor B3 vitamins, nicotinamide and niacin.

Nicotinamide riboside rejuvenates stem cells, allowing better regeneration processes read more

Content of audio transcript

[8:21] Dr. Ross Grant and Dr. Philip Milgram

[10:40] How Thomas Got Into NAD Research

[20:04] Dr. Milgram’s Story and Thomas

[21:15] Dr. Milgram’s on NAD

[21:51] What is Hyperalgesia?

[22:14] How NAD Breaks Addiction

[23:27] What exactly is NAD

[27:07] NAD and Anti-Aging

[33:55] NAD Supporting Supplements

[39:19] Nicotinamide Supplementation and dosage

[42:26] The use of Resveratrol supplement

[44:54] Delivery Mechanisms of NAD

[48:23] Other Things Combined With NAD

[50:30] NAD and Exercise Performance

[53:33] Ways To Naturally Increase NAD

[58:09] Going back to Anti-Aging

[1:01:15] Is there a blood test for NAD levels?

[1:03:11] NAD and Lyme disease

[1:05:35] Exciting thing in the realm of NAD

Niacin, niacinamide, Nicotinamide Riboside are forms of Vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 is found in many foods including yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, beans, and cereal grains. Niacin and niacinamide are also found in many vitamin B complex supplements with other B vitamins. Each of these forms of vitamin B3 is used for schizophrenia, hallucinations due to drugs, Alzheimer’s disease and age-related loss of thinking skills, chronic brain syndrome, depression, motion sickness, alcohol dependence, and fluid collection (edema).

NAD + and pregnancy safety 
read Victor Chang
What Is NAD_ Can It Help Me_

What Is NAD_ Can It Help Me_

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Expect Miracles podcast Ep #39 NAD Therapy with Tom Ingoglia

Expect Miracles podcast Ep #39 NAD Therapy with Tom Ingoglia

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About NAD +
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The Mission:
Combine innovation and compassion to provide healing and hope to people who want a life that is free from addiction and chronic illness and filled with potential for the best possible health.- NAD Treatment Centre

The Vision:
“All people deserve to get treatment.  They deserve to go to a place where they can get better, and not lose everything just to seek treatment. All people deserve to have a healthy life. Niacin, Niacinamide, Nicotinamide Riboside and NAD+ IV therapy are game changers. NAD+ changes your brain.  It is definitely the best first step to recovery.” extracted from Dr. Phillip Milgram

 The Aim:
To provide the best possible natural therapeutic solutions to all people (irrespective of their financial status)enduring the effects of anxiety,  stress, ​ ​heart disease, ​diabetes, ​obesity, addiction,​ edema, ​cholesterol, low blood pressure ADHDD, schizophrenia, ​mental illness and  arthritis. To provide vitamin B3 supplements, therapy and technological products that specifically enhance B3 therapies.

MAKE NAD+ IV THERAPY AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA- open a NAD+TREATMENT CENTRE, Run a NAD+Summit and film a documentary on NAD+ therapy

The USA , UK and Europe are leaders in NAD+ IV therapy research. Bill Wilson co founder of Alcoholics Anonymous alongside Dr Abram Hoffer, the pioneers of the research since 1965, have been familiar with NAD + and the astonishing benefits of Niacin, Niacinamide and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), for decades. Millions around the world are taking this natural supplement and receiving the benefits daily. So why shouldn't we receive the same benefits in Australia?

A Niacin (B3) deficiency is a known cause of stress and anxiety. High levels of stress and anxiety, due to 21st century lifestyle, are the main contributors to illness, disease, addiction and mental health conditions.

To restore health and prevent disease, a vitamin B3 deficiency needs to be supplemented to raise NAD levels to replenish the human body.

This is readily achieved with regular, daily doses of Niacin, Niacinamide and/or Nicotinamide Riboside. (raising NAD+ levels)

 Along with daily vitamin B3 supplements the best results for well-being and health are achievable, when all 3 areas of body, mind and spirit are balanced.  These 3 levels, when corrected at the same time, provide the key to disrupting the cycle of illness and ensuring long-lasting health. This is today's, scientific understanding of Body, Mind, & Spirit.

 At Infinite Longevity Solutions it is our intention to provide leading edge, Australian sourced and made B3 products,services and information to enable you to make an informed choice about your life.


We believe that every human being deserves the right to a healthy happy enjoyable life and age gracefully . It is our aim to assist people suffering from Ageing Diseases, Mental Illness and Addiction.


NAD+ Infusion Therapy is readily available throughout Europe and America. The early inception of NAD+ Therapy infusion is a clinic located in Sydney it is the only Australian Clinic that offers NAD+ IV infusion therapy. Cost $1000AUD pp x 10 days Total $10,000 - this cost makes NAD+IV infusion therapy suitable only to those who can afford it, by-passing the opportunity for day to day addicts seeking recovery.  

Dr Ross Grant,  is a clinical professor of medicine at Sydney Adventist hospital in Sydney, Australia. He is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on NAD+ science and therapeutics. 

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Epigenetics and the Dazzling Science of NAD+  with Dr Ross Grant
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NAD+ Infusion Therapy is a 6-10 day intravenous infusion process requiring strict protocols monitored by a qualified doctor or medical practitioner and a nurse.


Infinite longevity Solutions works with many recovering and active addicts. Dr Michael Serafin provides the NAD+ Infusion vials, Niacin, Niacinamide and Nicotinamide Riboside capsules to ensure our products offer the purest quality of Vitamin B3. Strict protocols are required to be followed.

Our  plight  is  to  get  accessibility  for  all   the 

 Vitamin B3 products to Australian people at an affordable price.

Infinite Longevity Solutions has lists of ailing people in desperate need of the NAD+ infusion therapy. As the treatment is new in Australia the cost is almost prohibitive at $1000AUD per client per day x 10 days. ( this figure does not include accommodation for 10 days)

We need to raise funds for 10 clients (who have all volunteered to participate in desperately needed clinical trials) and at the same time raise funds for a comprehensive awareness campaign to introduce NAD+, Niacin, Niacinamide and Nicotinamide Riboside into the Australian Marketplace, as a healthy and powerful alternative to mental health conditions, anti-ageing diseases, cardiovascular conditions and addiction.



Nurturing the beauty from within

1) Premium quality professional strength cosmeceuticals using key ingredients clinically proven to be the most effective currently available.

(2) Products which contain an extensive synergistic combination of multiple clinically proven key ingredients in addition to a complete array of DermIdentical ingredients to ensure your skin receives everything it requires to nourish and support the skin’s physiology from every angle to provide the most comprehensive nourishing skin care skin range available.

(3) Products which exclude known or suspected harmful ingredients and to minimize the chemical load on your body by avoiding any unnecessary ingredients as we do not want them being absorbed through your skin. All our products are free from parabens, silicon’s, alcohol, propylene glycol, hormone disruptors, sulphates, solvents, fragrances, gluten and dairy. We also avoid the use of specific surfactants which are known to disrupt the skin integrity.

(4) A simple skin care routine that eliminates the need of using complex and time consuming multiple products. We also developed the R3+ Skin Care System to help simplify your daily skin care ritual.

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Not tested on animals.

No harsh chemicals such as parabens, propylene glycol, petroleum, mineral oil, synthetic dyes or fragrances,

silicons, sulfates, PEG's, gluten, dairy. Proudly tested and formulated in Australia

Dr Ross Grant
Niacin Fresh

    Niacin Fresh

Niacin is prevalent in much of our fresh produce and plays an important part of our daily diet. Niacin Fresh is the section where we provide facts on fresh local Aussie Produce, the amount of niacin content in each product and where you can buy these FRESH LOCAL products from your local area 

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About Us

Infinite Longevity Solutions is a social enterprise. The aim of the organisation is to  apply commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being and to bring to the broader community the awareness and benefits of the natural supplement Niacin along with other Australian owned and made products that provide Infinite Longevity Solutions.

Niacin is a  renowned, proven, age old, natural treatment for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, addiction, edema, cholesterol, ageing to name a few, and our aim is to provide all the research study that will assist, you the consumer, to make an informed decision about using  Niacin as personal form of treatment.  

Please visit the pages on the Niacin Story, Our Philosophy, and Niacin Facts to gain these invaluable insights.


Infinite Longevity is the brain child of Christa Bidgood.

Arising out of her total commitment to make a difference in the field of addiction,  Christa, once an active alcoholic herself,  enjoys 26 years of sobriety and a powerful love for addicts, their families and others in the community to lead a happy, joyful, addiction free and healthy quality of life. To this day Christa dedicates her life to her own recovery and has over the years extensively researched, explored, observed and studied the effects and behaviors of addiction on addicts and their families as well as the effects on their bodies, their minds and lifestyles. It was during the course of following her dedication she discovered and trialed with other recovering addicts and their families the extraordinary, life-changing benefits of Vitamin B3 on families and people who supplement with Niacin, Niacin amide, Nicotinamide Riboside and NAD+ IV therapy to improve their health and lifestyles.


The history and study of vitamin B3 that has brought her and physicians world wide to this conclusion is all documented throughout our website providing the community at large with all the information required for health professionals and practitioners, people (whether they are addicts or not, whether they are suffering from mental illness, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, edema or not) to conclude they too can benefit and improve their lives when supplementing with Niacin, Niacin amide, Nicotinamide Riboside and NAD+IV Therapy.   

Complementary Compounding Services- Michael Serafin 

Complementary Compounding Services is the laboratory that provides Infinite Longevity Solutions with Nicotinamide, NR and NAD+ products and services. Michael Serifin also consults to Infinite Longevity Solutions.


Complementary Compounding Services was established by Dr Michael Serafin in 2001 well before the resurgence of compounding pharmacies in Australia.

Previous to this after completing his Bachelor of Pharmacy with first class honors Dr Serafin then went on to complete his Ph.D in pharmaceutical chemistry researching and developing new strategies to directly target cancer cells for more effective cancer treatments with fewer side effects. This involved an antibody directed enzyme pro-drug therapy (ADEPT) approach.

In the mid 1990’s while completing his Ph.D he also worked for Sydney University Pharmacy Department instructing undergraduate pharmacy students in the art form and theoretical aspects of extemporaneous compounding. He soon realized that his ambition to work for a drug company developing new life saving treatments was not meant to be. He came to believe that pharmaceutical companies real motivation was profits and not healing the sick. Not willing to work for any organization with that philosophy he then changed direction and began privately studying nutritional and orthomolecular medicine while completing his Ph.D.

After he left Sydney University he worked as a compounding chemist for one of Australia’s largest compounding pharmacies around 2000 before moving to the sunny northern NSW coast to establish a new and innovative compounding pharmacy.

Complementary Compounding Services is a compounding only pharmacy which means we only provide compounded medications made in our laboratory. We do not sell nappies and tissues and other products traditional pharmacies sell that would only distract us away from our primary focus and specialty – being compounding. We are passionate about providing the best quality compounded products!

Our business consists of a shop front area where all we sell is a range of nutritional supplements, a reception area, packing room, store room and a separate specialized compounding area consisting of several laboratories. For more information on our laboratory click here.

The use of sophisticated compounding equipment in a clean, environment controlled, laboratory ensures the highest standards are maintained resulting with pharmaceutical quality products. Please refer to our quality control section for more information.

Dr Serafin has been involved with compounding pharmacy since the mid 1990’s and is committed to providing the public with some of the most up to date medical information available. His philosophy is to combine the best that both traditional and complementary medicine has to offer in order to maximize effectiveness and minimize any risks. His focus is to treat the cause of the disease using an orthomolecular approach rather than just treating the symptoms which he feels is only a “band aid” approach – too often the path followed by traditional medicine.

Dr Serafin is also a student of esoteric medicine which teaches us to address the underlying energetic (emotional) cause of the illness. All illnesses are created by a false energy which should not be ignored as everything is energy. Illness and disease is not something that happens to you but from you. This means all illness and disease is the way the body discards the excess ill (false) energy which has accumulated in it from living in lovelessness – living with hardness, anger, frustration, grief, sadness, being checked out, contracted, shut down, guarded, protected, etc, etc. After many years of studying different kinds of therapies that all seemed to fall short of the whole Dr Serafin found the level of love, care and absolute integrity and a truly whole-istic approach in the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

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