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The heart of honesty and integrity is the pinnacle of our organization. We respect all of humanity, the farmers, producers, suppliers, consultants, members, customers, clients  that purchase, contribute and/or provide products, programs, courses, and ingredients to us so that we may all empower ourselves to enhance our quality of life.

Discovering farm fresh local produce containing niacin

Our Personal Health is at stake

Supplementing Niacine and Nicotinamide with natural produce that contains niacin (vitamin B3) is the most logical step towards balance. We hope that by providing our users and members with facts about niacin fresh produce  will benefit them while at the same time benefit our Aussie Farmers. 


The seriousness of the future of Australian agriculture and horticulture, not to mention our personal health is at stake. ​​​​​​​ Farmers are diminshing and at the current rate there won't be enough farmers to sustain the food we need to feed our nation. SO BE SURE TO BUY INGREDIENTS LOCALLY

niacin recipes coming soon be sure to subscribe below for their arrival

To be happy & healthy in body, mind and spirit

Our Vision and Values


Arising from her total commitment to make a difference in the field of addiction,  Christa Bidgood, once an active alcoholic herself,  enjoys 26 years of sobriety and a powerful love for all mankind- to lead a happy, joyful, sober quality of life. Addicts, their families as well as all others in the community. During the last 26 years Christa has not only dedicated her life to her own recovery but has extensively explored, observed and studied the effects and behaviors of addiction on addicts, and their families. Their bodies, their minds and lifestyles, with  addicts, sober addicts and people in the community. It was during the course of following her dedication she discovered and trialed with other recovering addicts and their families the extraordinary beneficial results on families and people who take niacin to improve their lifestyles.


The history and study of Niacin that has brought her and physicians world wide to this conclusion is all documented throughout this website providing the community at large with all the information required for people (whether they are addicts or not, whether they are suffering from mental illness, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholestrol, edema etc or not) to conclude they too can benefit and improve their lives when supplementing it with Niacin and Nicotinamide.

Give and support generously

We support ourselves forever mindful of supporting others

Australia is a land of opportunity. Our philosophy is that so long as we all make an effort to become better people ourselves and support one another we keep ourselves healthy. When we give generously to Australian charities and buy Australian made we keep our economy wealthy. We can then support those in need and pave the future for our younger generation.     

When asked by her mom what it is like to "be yourself", this little four-year-old girl gave an extremely expressive answer that talked about how everyone has good thoughts and bad thoughts, though it is important to outweigh the bad with the good.


Little girl speaks about life -
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